Parents are the primary educators of their own children, and every child has the right to an education that best meets their unique needs and aligns with their family’s values.
What We Believe
Every child deserves an education that is suited for their specific needs as guided by their parents, and one that is free from graphic sexual curriculum, the promotion of abortion, and politicized ideas about sexual orientation and gender identity.
With the increase in controversial and ideologically-driven content being pushed in schools, Nebraska Family Alliance is working to create more freedom and choice in education, protect the rights of students, and affirm the rights of parents as the primary educators of their own children.
We believe parents are the most important educators in a child’s life, and are providing free resources to help empower and equip parents to safeguard their child’s education.
Back to School Guide For Parents
Discover what’s happening in schools and why you should be concerned, learn about your rights and how to respectfully advocate on behalf of your child, and the practical steps you can take to protect your children.
Each section in the Back to School Guide covers different topics, such as how to protect your child from inappropriate or biased material in the classroom and what to do when you find offensive or explicit books in your school library.
Opt-Out Form for Controversial Classroom Lessons
Parents and guardians have the right to opt their child out of classroom lessons that contain controversial material that conflicts with their family’s beliefs.
This sample opt-out form can be used to request your child not be subjected to controversial topics in the classroom or lessons that violate your religious beliefs and request an alternative learning environment for your student.
Student Rights Handbook
Students don’t leave their First Amendment rights behind when they walk through the schoolhouse doors.
Our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom have put together a fantastic resource for students and parents on how to address challenges to religious freedom and free speech in public schools,
Included in this guide are answers to questions about students’ rights to express their faith at school and on college campuses, form religious clubs, not be forced to violate their beliefs, and more.
Gender Identity Resource Guide
How should parents talk to their children about the transgender issue and its consequences? How can parents communicate with school leaders when their values don’t align with the school’s policy?
These are difficult, challenging questions. But our calling is to equip parents to not only understand this issue, but to stand firm in Biblical truth and take action.
We are proud to provide you with this valuable resource endorsed by medical professionals, including those who are experts in gender dysphoria, individuals who have lived as the opposite sex and “de-transitioned,” faith leaders, national policy experts, and more.
30 Day School Prayer Guide
Wondering how to pray for students, educators, and today’s school environment?
This 30-day school prayer guide provides short prayer prompts inspired by scripture to pray for parents, students, and teachers.
Health Standards & Alternative Curriculum
In March of 2021, the Nebraska Department of Education released a draft proposal for health education standards that sought to promote abortion and transgenderism, teach children that gender is fluid, and inject activist talking points into curriculum and classrooms – beginning in Kindergarten.
After months of overwhelming opposition, the State Board of Education voted to indefinitely postpone development of the health standards. However, the issue can be brought back at any time if a majority of board members vote to re-engage their work on the standards.
We encourage parents, educators, and all Nebraskans to contact their representative on the State Board of Education, work with their local school board to keep comprehensive sex education out of their school, and remain diligent in following educational matters at local and state levels.
In contrast to the ideologically-driven health standards proposed by the Nebraska Department of Education, K-12 Standards for Optimal Sexual Development from the Medical Institute provides critically needed knowledge and skills to help protect school-aged children from negative cultural influences and empower them to make positive choices for achieving optimal health.
Founded on positive character and healthy relationships, this new curriculum is an excellent alternative for parents and educators to the proposed health standards and comprehensive sex education being pushed in schools.
Civics & American History
Are you concerned about what students are being led to believe about America, civics, and our founding documents? The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum offers a complete collection of lesson plans for teaching American history, civics, and government to K-12 students.
“The teaching of honest history and an accurate account of civics is the key to forming good citizens. The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum has been carefully designed to do just that, providing parents, teachers, and schools not with what they should oppose, but with a solid curriculum they can wholeheartedly endorse for all of America’s children.” – Matthew Spalding, Dean, Van Andel Graduate School of Government, Hillsdale College
Homeschooling Resources
Considering homeschooling your children, recently started homeschooling, or looking for more resources?
Homeschool Freedom and the Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association have excellent tools, curriculum, answers to common questions, and ways to connect with other homeschool families.
School Choice
Parents should have more control over their child’s education than the government, and every child in Nebraska should have the opportunity to attend a school that best suits their individual educational needs.
Different children have different educational needs, and many families across the state want the choice to send their kids to a school that aligns with their values.
Now is the time to support a parent’s right to decide where their child is best suited to receive a well-rounded education.
Help support kids and families in Nebraska by contacting your state senator. Tell them why school choice and education are so important to your family and to all of Nebraska’s children, and urge them to support efforts to provide greater freedom and choice in education.