Parents should have more control over their child’s education than the government. Different children have different educational needs, and many families across the state want the choice to send their kids to a school that aligns with their values.
Educational freedom is so important and badly needed in Nebraska. Nebraska is one of just two states that has declined to pass any type of school choice legislation.
LB 753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act, would create a tax credit for donations to non-profit scholarship-granting organizations, which will increase scholarship opportunities for low-income families to attend the private school of their choice.
Floor debate on LB 753 will begin on Monday, March 6th, and state senators have a historic opportunity to bring greater choice and freedom to education in Nebraska by supporting LB 753. But it won’t happen without your help!
Parents have the right to choose a school for their children that aligns with their own convictions and values, and LB 753 gives more parents the freedom to choose a faith-based education if they so desire.
Help support kids and families in Nebraska by contacting your state senator, and urge them to support LB 753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act.
Senators need to hear from you! Contact your senator and ask them to support kids and families in Nebraska by voting “Yes” on LB 753.
Whether you call or email, please be polite and respectful. Choose two or three bullet points below and personalize your own message.
Hello, my name is [FULL NAME], and I live at [ADDRESS]. I am contacting you to ask that you support LB 753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act.
Every child in Nebraska should have the opportunity to attend a school that best suits their individual and educational needs.
LB 753 will assist low-income and working-class families with scholarship opportunities by incentivizing private donations to scholarship-granting organizations.
Tax-credit scholarships are funded entirely by private donations, not public school funds.
Scholarship tax credit programs not only create more freedom and choice in education for families but also provide savings to taxpayers.
When a child is educated in an environment where they thrive—rather than get by or fall behind—everyone benefits.
Every child has the right to an education that best meets their unique needs and aligns with their family’s values.