Senators Remove Key Pro-Life Provision from State Budget in Shocking Vote The Nebraska Legislature’s Appropriations Committee unexpectedly voted to strip key pro-life language from the state budget during a Committee vote yesterday. Two Republican Senators, John...
The Legislature is scheduled to begin debate on a key pro-life budget provision today. The provision would end taxpayer subsidies of the abortion industry in Nebraska by prohibiting clinics that provide, counsel in favor of, or refer for abortion to receive Title X...
Capitol Connection Episode 57 Pro-Life Title X Budget Initiative Advances from Committee [spp-player] Nebraska is one step closer to finally ending the tax-payer subsidization of abortion. In a huge victory for the pro-life movement in Nebraska, a hotly debated...
At CPAC 2018, Governor Ricketts joined a panel to discuss how Nebraska is advancing the culture of life, including the Title X budget initiative, Compassion and Care for Medically Challenging Pregnancies through perinatal hospice, helping people get back to work...
Today, the Office of Governor Ricketts released a press release highlighting broad support from state officials and advocacy groups for the Governor’s Pro-Life budget initiative to end taxpayer subsidies of abortion clinics. In the Governor’s 2018 budget...
This week, NFA’s Executive Director Karen Bowling testified before the Appropriations Committee in support of LB 944, Section 71. This section is a part of Governor Rickett’s 2018 budget proposal. It would prohibit the distribution of Title X Federal Funds...