Senators Remove Key Pro-Life Provision from State Budget in Shocking Vote

The Nebraska Legislature’s Appropriations Committee unexpectedly voted to strip key pro-life language from the state budget during a Committee vote yesterday.

Two Republican Senators, John Stinner (District 48, Gering) and Bob Hilkemann (District 4, Omaha), who both supported this provision last year, flipped their vote and voted with 3 Democrat Senators, Anna Wishart (District 27, Lincoln), Tony Vargas (District 7, Omaha), and Kate Bolz (District 29, Lincoln), to remove the pro-life language.

Senators Robert Clements (District 2, Elmwood), Steve Erdman (District 47, Bayard), Myron Dorn (District 30, Adams), and Mike McDonnell (District 5, Omaha) voted in support of keeping the provision in the budget.

This pro-life provision prevents Title X taxpayer dollars from going to organizations who perform, counsel in favor of, or refer for abortion.

Less than one year ago, the legislature stood with pro-life Nebraskans and approved a budget that protects Nebraska’s taxpayer dollars – and most importantly – innocent human life.

We are extremely disappointed with the Committee’s decision and are encouraging the Committee to reconsider the vote. After what took place in recent weeks in New York and Virginia, state legislators should be working to affirm Nebraska’s pro-life values, not undermine them.

NFA will be providing you timely updates as we continue to advocate for policies that ensure all life is cherished and protected.

Nebraska Family Alliance
Nebraska Family Alliance exists to advance family, freedom and life by influencing policy, mobilizing prayer, and empowering people.