Episode 63

Honoring Life & Helping Grieving Families: Interview with Senator Joni Albrecht on Historic Legislation

On this week’s Capitol Connection Podcast, Nebraska State Senator Joni Albrecht joins the program to discuss the successful advancement of her bill to create a state-issued commemorative birth certificate for miscarriages.

LB1040 is only the second bill of its kind to be passed in the United States; however, it’s the first to be retroactive and require no minimum gestation to qualify for the certificate.

It’s estimated 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the grief of that loss is as real as the life itself. This compassionate change to law makes our state an innovative leader in supporting grieving families and honoring the dignity of every human life.

NFA is proud to support Senator Albrecht’s bill to extend this commemorative certificate to families who experience a miscarriage.

Hear more about this unique, life-affirming legislation, why Senator Albrecht chose to introduce and prioritize this bill, and what it took to pass into law all on this week’s episode.



Nate Grasz

Nate Grasz

Executive Director
Executive Director at Nebraska Family Alliance, Author, Host of "The NFA Report" on Bott Radio Network