The Nebraska Legislature is back in session. 

Newly elected senators were just sworn in, and the selection process for committee chairs is underway. State senators have the first ten days of the session’s 90 working days to introduce new legislation, and the Legislature will begin committee hearings, debate priority bills, and work to pass a balanced budget.

The Nebraska Family Alliance (NFA) team will be at the State Capitol every day the Legislature is in session—defending your family and freedom and working to advance legislation that preserves women’s opportunities, protects boys and girls, safeguards religious liberty, and promotes the sanctity of life.

We’ve spent the last several months meeting with senators, strategically planning our policy initiatives, and preparing for the legislative challenges that await us in 2025. For nine consecutive years, we’ve blocked every NFA-opposed bill from becoming law, and today, our team is prepared to lead with courage, knowing our daily representation and voice for faith and family values is more critical than ever.

It’s difficult to express how grateful, honored, and humbled we are by your support. You’re the reason NFA exists. Because of your generosity, we met our year-end fundraising goal and received a $300,000 match that will go directly into our advocacy efforts.

Thank you for your faithful support and financial investment in NFA! Together, we will stand for faith and freedom and defend life and liberty in 2025.

Stay Informed and Take Action

Subscribe to NFA’s Capitol Prayer Initiative to receive text alerts when critical votes are being taken at the State Capitol, when our team members are testifying in committee hearings, and when you need to take action and contact your elected representatives.

Commit to pray for your state senator by adopting your leader in prayer! We’ll send you a free “Adopt-A-Leader” packet with a list of Nebraska’s elected officials, a magnet of your state senator, and a 30-second prayer card for every day of the month.

In the coming days, visit our Bill Tracker page for a quick summary and status of the most important bills NFA is monitoring.


Subscribe to our email network to receive prayer and policy reports and occasional Action Alerts.
Text subscribers will receive our most urgent prayer requests when critical votes are being taken at the State Capitol, when our team members are testifying before committee hearings, and when we need people to take action and contact their elected representatives.
Nebraska Family Alliance
Nebraska Family Alliance exists to advance family, freedom and life by influencing policy, mobilizing prayer, and empowering people.
Nebraska Family Alliance

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