Two pro-abortion legislative resolutions that would undo Nebraska’s pro-life protections and enshrine abortion into Nebraska’s constitution have hearings scheduled this week.
Your voice is needed to help stop these radical proposals in committee and send a strong message to the Legislature that Nebraskans value human life and support women. Submit a comment in opposition to LR 18CA and LR 19CA before noon on Wednesday, March 15th, to be included in the official record.
If LR 18 CA and LR 19CA advance, every law in Nebraska that affirms life, offers pregnant women information, and prohibits gruesome abortion procedures would be in jeopardy.
LR 18CA would add “reproductive freedom” as a right under Article I of the Nebraska Constitution alongside “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Click “Submit Comments Online For LR 18CA” in the center of the page. Select “Yes” under “Include Comment in Hearing Record,” fill out the form, and submit your comment as an “opponent.” You will receive an email asking you to confirm your comment.
LR 19CA amends the Nebraska Constitution to prohibit the state from enforcing any pro-life laws that protect preborn children from abortion.
Click “Submit Comments Online For LR 19CA” in the center of the page. Select “Yes” under “Include Comment in Hearing Record,” fill out the form, and submit your comment as an “opponent.” You will receive an email asking you to confirm your comment.
Nebraska is a pro-life state
For decades, pro-life lawmakers have courageously fought to reflect our pro-life values in state statutes by establishing:
- The nation’s first-ever 20-week abortion ban (2010)
- A requirement for parents to be notified and consent to an abortion on a minor (2011)
- Choose life license plates that support families in need (2017)
- The Compassion and Care For Medically Challenging Pregnancies Act (2017)
- Commemorative birth certificates for babies lost to miscarriage (2018)
- The Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act (2019)
- A prohibition on dismemberment abortions on living, preborn babies (2020)
This session, the Nebraska Legislature is considering a bill that would protect even more lives by prohibiting abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. LB 626, the Nebraska Heartbeat Act, could stop 85% of abortions in Nebraska, saving 2,000 lives every year.
After Roe, life is winning, and states surrounding Nebraska have established strong pro-life protections. Nebraska is currently at high risk of becoming a “destination state” for out-of-state women seeking an abortion.
Abortion causes lasting harm to women and ends the lives of precious boys and girls. You can help advance a culture of life in Nebraska by submitting comments in opposition to LR 18CA and LR 19CA.