The ads are everywhere. High-profile races have brought national attention—and spending—to Nebraska.

But where do the candidates on your ballot actually stand on the issues that matter most, like protecting human life, parental rights, and religious freedom? 

While NFA does not endorse candidates, we surveyed and researched their positions on important issues, so you can see where the candidates running to represent you stand on the issues in a side-by-side comparison.

For example, in the Deb Fischer and Dan Osborn race for the United States Senate, Senator Fischer responded to the NFA voter guide that she supports religious freedom, parental rights, and pro-life policies, and opposes taxpayer funding of abortion and legislation seeking to expand abortion at the federal level.

Dan Osborn did not respond to the NFA voter guide, but in media interviews, has stated he supports pro-choice policies and would vote to codify Roe v. Wade, expanding abortion in Nebraska and nationally.

From the top of the ticket to the bottom, your vote matters. Learn more and see where all of the candidates for President, U.S. Senate, Congress, State Legislature, and State Board of Education stand at

Visit our resource center for information on the abortion ballot initiatives and why Nebraskans should vote “for” Initiative 434 and “against” Initiative 439.

Nebraska Family Alliance is here to empower you and your family and help you make informed decisions to vote your values this election.

Nebraska Family Alliance
Nebraska Family Alliance exists to advance family, freedom and life by influencing policy, mobilizing prayer, and empowering people.
Nebraska Family Alliance

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