We are in the midst of the largest fight for life in our state’s history. For months, Planned Parenthood has been pouring in resources from across the country for paid petition circulators and deceptive advertising. If they succeed, we could lose decades of pro-life laws protecting women and preborn babies in our state. The stakes are high, a line has been drawn, and we can’t sit on the sidelines. 

Last year, the abortion industry filed a ballot initiative called “Protect Our Rights,” seeking to enshrine a right to abortion in the Nebraska Constitution, which would legalize abortion until birth, subject preborn children to painful late-term dismemberment abortions,  jeopardize laws protecting women’s health and safety, and eliminate parental rights.

The grim reality is in every state where abortion has been on the ballot since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the pro-choice side has won. After talking to our colleagues in these states—including pro-life states like Kentucky, Montana, Kansas, and Ohio—we realized that winning at the ballot box would take much more than an educational campaign. Nebraska voters need a clear choice.

So, Nebraska Family Alliance helped gather local and national legal experts, medical professionals, and pro-life organizations. With prayer, resolve, and extensive research, they determined that we can win this fight with a counter ballot initiative called “Protect Women and Children,” which would protect our current 12-week law and allow greater protections going forward.

The nation’s eyes are on Nebraska. Will we be the first state to defeat the abortion industry and establish constitutional protections for preborn children? The pro-life ballot initiative must collect 125,000 valid signatures from at least 38 counties by the end of June to put the measure on the November ballot. 

Will you join in the fight and stand alongside us? We need volunteer petition circulators, congregants willing to collect signatures on Sunday mornings, moms and dads praying and sharing our resources, and sacrificial financial support to sustain our pro-life efforts.

Generous ministry friends are so invested in our mission to see Nebraska become a state where every life is cherished and protected they have agreed to match every donation up to $80,000 until July 4th, multiplying your gift and impact.

Visit our Protect Women and Children Action Center to contribute to our match, volunteer to collect signatures, request a free church resource packet, and access our fact sheets and educational resources. Together for life, we will ensure Nebraska is a state where every life is cherished and protected. The next generation is depending on our faithfulness today.

Life is a human right! Help us protect women and babies in Nebraska with a gift matched up to $80,000 before July 4th.

Nebraska Family Alliance
Nebraska Family Alliance exists to advance family, freedom and life by influencing policy, mobilizing prayer, and empowering people.
Nebraska Family Alliance

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