This year, we faced the greatest threat to life our state has ever seen: a ballot initiative to create a right to abortion until birth. With a bold strategy, together we achieved historic victories that will not only protect generations of boys and girls yet to be born but also influence other states. Your activism, prayers, and sacrificial gifts weren’t just contributions—they were the catalyst behind meaningful change in Nebraska.

In a true David vs. Goliath story, pro-life Initiative 434 prevailed, and Initiative 439, funded by the national abortion lobby, was defeated! Nebraska Family Alliance’s (NFA’s) education and advocacy efforts resulted in 1,030,000 personalized voter contacts and over four million digital ad impressions.

Because of your faithfulness, preborn babies in Nebraska now have a floor of constitutional protection for the first time in history. What made the difference in our state is your prayers, advocacy, and courage, which are a beacon of hope to the rest of the nation.

As Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” NFA will continue standing in the gap for family, freedom, and life and building upon current law to establish even greater pro-life protections until every life is cherished and protected.

With your continued support, we will be ready for the next battle.

As we approach the 2025 Legislative Session in January, new senators will take office, and once again, innocent lives, parental rights, and the freedoms we cherish will be at stake. NFA exists for moments like these, and with your continued support, we will be ready for the next battle.

Twenty-four years ago, I answered the call to join the NFA team with a mission to develop a ministry that advanced Biblical principles at the intersection of church, government, and family. I’ve had the honor of a lifetime witnessing God-sized miracles emerge from seemingly insurmountable obstacles and working alongside you to achieve generational wins for Nebraska.

In January of this year, I sensed the Lord’s guidance that it was time to pass the torch to the next generation of leadership. I deeply believe leadership is about honoring God, serving others, and knowing when to embrace a new season. After notifying the Board of Directors about my plans, they selected Nate Grasz to serve as the next Executive Director, effective January 1, 2025.

Nate has served as Policy Director since 2016, and he is a man of character, competence, and courage. He exemplifies servant leadership, and with a combined 32 years of experience across our team, I am confident NFA will continue to see exponential growth influencing policy, mobilizing prayer, and empowering people in this new chapter.

Inspired by the victories of 2024 and our vision for the future, ministry friends are offering a $300,000 year-end match challenge. Every gift up to $300,000 will be doubled. Together, we will continue to build upon past successes and boldly stand for truth to see Nebraska become a place where God is honored, families thrive, religious freedom flourishes, and life is protected!

The next generation is depending on your faithfulness today. Double your impact with a tax-deductible gift before midnight on December 31st.

Karen Bowling

Karen Bowling

Former Executive Director
When Karen isn't leading a women's Bible study or coordinating a prayer meeting, she's usually with her six grandchildren that keep her busy, laughing, and young at heart.