The NFA Daily Spotlight: Sanctity Of Life Month

January is Sanctity of Life Month, and this week on the NFA Daily Spotlight, Executive Director Karen Bowling highlights wins in the pro-life movement as well as important steps we need to take to create a culture of life in Nebraska. Nebraska is a pro-life state because we recognize the value of all human life. We are working to advance the culture of life by advocating at the legislature, arguing for the unborn and women’s health at the Supreme Court, and praying for an end to abortion. Supporting Nebraska Pregnancy Help Organizations is a great way for you to help make abortion unthinkable in Nebraska.


Karen Bowling

Karen Bowling

Executive Director
When Karen isn't fulfilling her duties as the Executive Director of NFA, leading a women's Bible study, or coordinating a prayer meeting, she's usually with her six grandchildren that keep her busy, laughing, and young at heart.