The NFA Daily Spotlight: The Legacy of Leadership

Do you have the desire to invest in the next generation? Gordon Thiessen joined the NFA Daily Spotlight to discuss the generational impact of leadership through his experience with Coach Tom Osborne. Recently, Thiessen collaborated on Osborne’s new book, The Legacy of Leadership.  Thiessen shares stories from playing for Osborne at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and explains the impact Osborne had on his life. During his years of service, Osborne impacted countless other youth and athletes. He mentored them to become responsible citizens, leaders, and influential members of their communities. If you are interested in mentoring, contact your local church or apply to be a mentor through TeamMates Mentoring.

Over the years, Coach Tom Osborne has gained a great reputation for his influence on young men on and off the football field. One of the attributes that made Osborne so successful as a leader was his focus on his players’ future success. He was not solely concerned with winning football games, he wanted to develop young men into great leaders and servants in their communities. Gordon experienced this when Tom encouraged him to start the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As a result, Gordon spent 30 years serving with FCA. “My life was changed forever because of Coach Tom Osborne,” Gordon says.

To learn more, listen to the NFA Daily Spotlight and read The Legacy of Leadership: Leading with the End in Mind.

The NFA Daily Spotlight is a feature program broadcast every weekday on 20 radio stations across Nebraska that discusses important issues impacting family, freedom, and life at the intersection of faith, government, and culture. Hosted by NFA’s Executive Director, Karen Bowling, the program brings you timely news, inspiring stories, and ministry updates in short, two-minute snippets. Join the NFA Email Network to stay informed and never miss an update!


Karen Bowling

Karen Bowling

Executive Director
When Karen isn't fulfilling her duties as the Executive Director of NFA, leading a women's Bible study, or coordinating a prayer meeting, she's usually with her six grandchildren that keep her busy, laughing, and young at heart.